
S ponosom objavljujemo partnerstvo sa Female Factor

S ponosom objavljujemo partnerstvo sa Female Factor, globalnom platformom za osnaživanje žena i djevojaka. Partnerstvo na kojem radimo od kraja 2022 i ovoj godini je već počelo sa razmjenom članarinama na obje strane! Nastavljamo sa eventom u mjesecu martu na temu Discover your authentic self through journaling!

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Female Factor, a career and leadership platform for women that shares our passion for empowering women to achieve their full potential. By joining forces, we can now offer our members even more resources to help them succeed.
From mentoring programs to networking events and masterclasses, the Female Factor has everything you need to thrive in your career. We are excited to provide our members with a special 10% discount on an inner circle membership of the female factor using the code BWBHBelieveInYou. Register for their mentoring program here: https://bit.ly/tff-mentoring_BWBH
We believe that together we can create a better opportunities for women of Bosnia and Herzegovina origin and beyond.
We can't wait to see what we can achieve together!