BWBH memorandum o saradnji sa WeGate
Business Women of Bosnia and Herzegovina nastavlja niz uspješnih saradnji kroz potpisivanje memoranduma sa platformom WEgate. Nakon Udruženja poslovnih žena u BiH, BH Futures Foundation i BUV – Udruženja privrednika porjeklom iz BiH, ovo je nas četvrti memorandum o saradnji, koji kao i prethodni za cilj ima razmjenu iskustava, umrežavanja ali i realizaciju zajedničkih ideja i projekata.
WEgate je online platforma, čiji je cilj pomoći poduzetnicama da započnu i izgrade svoj posao kroz razmjenu iskustava i znanja. Na jednom mjestu, na raspolaganju su informacije o prilikama za umrežavanje, mentorstvu, programima za finansiranje te profesionalni rast i razvoj. WEgate također nudi pregled najnovijih vesti i događaja koji se odnose na žensko preduzetništvo širom Evrope. Još jedan izvor inspiracije su i uspješne priče, ali i izazovi sa kojima su se na svom putu uspjeha susrele poduzetnice iz raznih branši.
Radujemo se budućim projektima i vjerujemo da će i naše članice imati koristi od ove saradnje. Za više informacija o WEgate-u, posjetite njihovu web stranicu:
Business Women of Bosnia and Herzegovina continues a series of successful collaborations through the signing of a memorandum with the WEgate platform. After the Association of Business Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, BH Futures Foundation and BUV – Bosnian Entrepreneurs Association, this is our fourth memorandum of cooperation, which, like the previous ones, aims to exchange experiences, network and implement joint ideas and projects.
WEgate is an online platform that aims to help women entrepreneurs start and build their business through the exchange of experiences and knowledge. In one place, information is available on networking opportunities, mentoring, funding programs, and professional growth and development. WEgate also offers a selection of the latest news and events related to female entrepreneurship across Europe. Another source of inspiration are success stories, but also challenges that women entrepreneurs from various industries have encountered along their way to success.
We are looking forward to future projects, and we believe that our members will also benefit from this cooperation. For more information on WEgate, visit their website: